Get the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on the Australian gold and silver sector at your fingertips.

No broker or advisory service covers so many Australian gold and silver companies, for so many investment factors, so frequently.

We’re independent. We don’t accept advertising, take commissions, or have any financial relationships with the companies — except that we invest in some of them as individuals! Our only aim is to provide gold and silver investors with the best information we can.

We’re nerds. We eat maths for breakfast, and we get the real meaning of market cap, in-the-money-options, EV, and balance sheets.

It’s unbeatable value

Other large international groups charge $10,000 – $20,000 per year for access to their metals and mining databases. For that you’ll also get worldwide information about other metals and other markets, fancy maps, and every drill result. If you only want to invest in precious metals companies on the ASX, there’s a lot of information you won’t use.

Our Pro subscribers pay less than $18 every second week, for several researchers to read company announcements from many companies and check on 20-30 factors, so you can be sure that the stocks you own are still the best value you can find. How do we do it? We found dedicated gold investors like us who also wanted the same fundamental information, some of whom were already reading company announcements anyway, then we got organized.

A single good investment decision — including not to buy a stock — can easily make back the price of a subscription.

If you can’t see the whole sector, you can’t see where the forgotten bargains are, and you don’t have a benchmark to know when strong stocks become overvalued or neglected stocks are undervalued.

Every day GoldNerds subscribers are looking over the sector and picking up the best deals they can find.

We’d be delighted if you’d join us, by buying a subscription.


Subscriptions are for either 6 months or 12 months, and for either the Standard, Professional, or the Elite version (see here and here for the differences).

Subscribers can download the latest spreadsheet file from this website any time during their subscription, as often as they like. You are notified by email when a new edition is posted (usually every second Monday night). There is a new edition every two weeks (except over January).

To renew, please wait until your existing subscription runs out, then subscribe again. To upgrade from Standard to Professional or Professional to Elite, please contact us. (The shop software, while pretty, is a bit simple-minded.)

Please add one subscription (not more) to the cart, then proceed to the checkout. There is no GST (goods and services tax) payable or included in the price.